The Causes of Tendency of Sheikh Mufid And SeyyedMorteza Towards Mutazilit Rationalism in Fourth century (A.H.)



This essay examines tendency of SeikhMufid and SeyyedMortaza towards mutazilitrationalismin fourt century (A.H.).To understand the roots of this attitude. Although tendency towards rationalism of mutazili internally brought about a lot of arguments - because the basic principles of this sect were not consistent with rationalism dominating mutazila school - finally in fourth century (A.H.) under the rule and support of Buwaihids was accomplished definitely by these persons. Consequently several reasons are considered such as occultation of twelfth imam and the need of imamiyya society to systematic theology for its survival, political convergence between shia and mutazila, ulmost accordance with principles of mutazili conception in the personality of SeyyedMortaza and Sheikh Muf?d and of course the theological and historical correlations among these two sects which their precedence dating back to times before the abovementioned century.
