Cultural and Social Activities of Carmelites in Safavid Iran

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Professor in History & of Civilization of Islamic Nations, University of Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in History & of Civilization of Islamic Nations, University of Tehran, Iran


The presence of European missionaries in Iran was the important issue in the history of the Safavid. One of the most important groups of missionaries was Carmelites who came to Iran to try to spread the Catholic faith in this country.They came to Iran during the rule of Shah Abbas I apparently to create an alliance between Iran and the Christian countries of Europe against the Ottoman and indeed to promote Catholicism. Carmelites who were always supported by the Safavid kings, could had a continuous presence in Iran by the end of the Safavid era and even after that. The Carmelites’s Presence and activities in Iran, including the establishment of first printing-house in Isfahan, translation of Christian Texts, compilation of bilingual dictionaries, establishment of misionary certres and hospice had many political, cultural, social and religious consequences. These activities had more benefits for West and led to greater cognition by European governments of Iran. Because of their religious beliefs, Muslim Iranians had little interaction with Carmelites missionaries.


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