From Confrontation to Interaction: An analytical Survey on Relations between Yidrim Beyazid and Madrasa Graduates

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article



Although, in the Ottoman dynastic historiography, Bayezid I. was described as the mighty and warrior figure, this Sultan also was in his behaviors and policies under the influence of the influential political-religious currents in Ottoman territory. Using the motivation of Beyazid I to raise his stature as Muslim Sultan and pretender in the Islamic world after victory at Nicopolis war in 797/1396, the current of Madrasa could change the situation to its favor. When the Yildirim Beyazid tried to dominate throughout Anatolia, the Madrasa graduates forced him to repent from committing of illicit acts and by this way they renewed, like previous periods, their political status in Ottoman rule. However, attempts of the Madrasa current had failed to peacefully resolve the conflict between Beyazid I and Tamerlane. Following the defeat in the Battle of Ankara in 804/1402, the reign of Yildrim Beyazid came to end and the Ottoman Empire was on the verge of collapse and disintegration.


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