A Survey on Relations between the Delhi Sultans (602/1205-932/1525) and Chishtiyya and Suhrawardiyya Master

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article



The Sufis had a great role in Islam promulgation in India Subcontinent when they migrated to India. Chishtiyya and Suhrawardiyya are considered as the first Sufi sects that entered into this land. Contemporary with the Delhi Sultans power peak in 7th and 8th centuries, they obtained great spiritual influence among the people from different strata. This caused the majority of Delhi Sultans to have close and respectfully relations with Sufis. They tried to attract them toward their courts to obtain legitimate and support for their reigns, from both political and governmental aspects. The mastersof these two sects had different stances, whereas most of Chishtiyya mastersrefused entering into political and governmental affairs, Suhrawardiyya masters accepted some responsibilities such as “Sheikh- ul- Islam”. In this essay the relations between the mentioned Sufis sects and Delhi Sultans, and especially the most important changes of their relationships, are studied in details.


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