Qutb al-Din Shirazi and Faḍl ibn Hātam Neyrīzī and Postulates of Euclidean Geometry

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Ph.D in History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Tehran, Iran


“Euclid’s Elements” begins by an introduction into definitions, Postulates and Common Notions; the Postulates are presented in the science of geometry by Euclid without any or explanations. However, regarding the significance of Postulates which is the fundamental to geometrical proving and solving geometrical theorems, some translators and interpreters of Euclid’s Elements provide explanation for some of the Postulates and try to prove them. Qutb al-Din Shirazi and Faḍl ibn Hātam Neyrīzī are among the translators who believe that it is essential that some of the Postulates be explained and some others be proved. This article compares the methodologies of Qutb al-Din Shirazi and Faḍl ibn Hātam Neyrīzī, an older interpreter of Euclid’s Elements.


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