The Typology and Explanation of Behaviors of the Companions of the Prophet in the Battle of Tabuk according to the Sura of Tawba

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Professor, Department of History University of Alzahra

2 ‌Ph.D student in History of Islam, University of Alzahra. Tehran, Iran


In the battle of Tabuk, unlike other battles, the participation of Muslims was very weak and their procrastinations caused to be delayed in the preparation of the army and the move toward Tabuk. Some of the Companions expressed one’s regrets for being unable to participate in this battle. In the Sura of Tawba, God exposes the intentions of these non-participants, expressing their real reasons for not participating. According to this Sura, even some groups of participants in practice attempted to sabotage and create fear among the Muslims. The lack of harmony of the Companions’ behaviors in this Battle could be known by a typology. This typology could be carefully identified in the Sura of Tawba. In this Sura eight kinds of behaviors were introduced, ranging from active participation to passive one. Describing the diversity of the Companions’ behaviors in this Battle, this article gives an explanation for it. It seems that the diversity of the Companions’ behaviors returned to their attitudes and social traditions that were in conflict with religious values.


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