Transition from Traditional to Modern Educational System in Ottoman Empire Case Study: (Tunisian Sadeghieh School)

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Associate professor, department of history, Imam Khomaini international university


One of the most important areas of the cultural encounter of Islamic civilization with the new Western civilization was education and educational system which appeared throughout the Islamic territories in the form of new schools. With different goals, it was the favorite area to the colonialists and the western powers on the one hand, and the reformers of the Islamic world on the other hand. The Ottoman Academy (Dar Al-Fonoun), established as a comprehensive educational complex in 1862/1278 AD, was a suitable model for many Islamic lands and Ottoman provinces during this period. The Afriqia, becoming from the late 16th century under the protection of the Ottomans, was one of the first provinces to be exposed to the concepts and teachings of modernity due to the proximity of geographical boundaries. From the end of the eighteenth century (twelfth century AH), the reform of the educational system became one of concerns of the ruling and reformist elements of the land. The establishment of the Supreme Sadeghieh School was in the direction of the Dar Al-Fonoun in Istanbul. This school had a detailed curriculum and educated levels, and its educators had a profound effect on Afriqian social developments in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries so that one of the main concerns of French colonialism, following the domination of Tunisia from 1881 to 1298, was to weaken, or to close this school. Interestingly, many of the leaders and pioneers of the independence movement in Tunisia, which led to the independence from France from 1956 to 1956, were from the high school students at Sadeghieh.


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