Comparative Study of the Skeletal Components of First Iranian Mosques Based on the Use of Visual Elements

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 PhD, Architectural & Urban Conservation, Assistant Professor and faculty member of Art University of Isfahan, Faculty of Conservation

2 M.A. Architectural & Urban Conservation, Faculty of Conservation, Art University of Isfahan


The skeletal characteristics of the components are a criterion for classifying the characteristics of the first Iranian mosques and revealing their similarities and differences. A comparison of these features provides a way to analyze how and why there are differences between mosques of Iran from the 1st to the 4th centuries and the skeletal differences in their components. The study of these skeletal characteristics based on the use of visual elements and their comparative study to classify the features of first Iranian mosques has not been systematically addressed. In this research, which is based on library and field studies, ten mosques from the remaining mosques in Iran from the 1st to the 4th centuries AH have been investigated. According to the research findings, the first three forms of the first mosques in Iran have been revealed based on the elements of the plan and the study of visual concepts in the samples. These findings also reveal clear differences in the more detailed sections of the first mosques.


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