Explanation of the Military Defeat of Quraysh in the Battles of the Early Islam Relying on the Social History of Mecca and Medina

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Associate Professor Department of History and Civilization of Muslim Nations Faculty of Theology Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad (FUM) Iran


At the outset of the advent of Islam, the main inhabitants of Mecca were comprised of clans of the great tribe of Quraysh who held the upper hand in the fields of politics and economy in this city. Despite the fact that the Holy Prophet was himself from the Banī Hāshim, one of the clans of Quraysh, his call to Islam was faced with widespread and strong opposition of his tribe. They showed opposition and enmity to the Prophet during all the years of his stay in Mecca. This enmity continued after he and the Muslims left Mecca and migrated to Yathrib (Medina) and ended up to war and bloodshed. However, the outcomes of these wars were not similar to the incidents of the years the Prophet resided in Mecca, and contrary to those years that the Quraysh held the upper hand in Mecca and the Prophet and his companions had nothing to do but defend themselves, the outcomes of the battles were usually to the benefit of the Prophet and the Muslims. This article is intended to provide an objective analysis of the causes and reasons of the defeat of Quraysh in these confrontations.


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