Tadhkirat -al-Mulūk by Rafīʻal-Dīn Ibrāhīm Shīrāzī, an Ādil Shāhīs Historian: on Manuscript of National Library of Paris

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Department of Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asian Studies, Encyclopaedia Islamica Foundation


One of the most important Persian works about the history of the Bahmanī and Ādil Shāhī dynasties, is the book of Tadhkirat al-Mulūk written by Rafīʻal-Dīn Ibrāhīm Shīrāzī, the historian of Ādil Shāhī Court. There are manuscripts of this work in the Sālār Jung Museum and Library, the Āsafīa Library, the Library of the British Museum, and the National Library of Paris. In this paper, only the manuscript in the National Library of Paris will be introduced and discussed. This article will first have a look at the biography and work of Rafīʻal-Dīn, and will then consider the importance and position of Tadhkirat al-Mulūk in the studies of the history of Deccan as well as the effect of Rafī al-Dīn on the latter historians, who wrote about the history of Ādil Shāhī dynasty.Presenting the manuscript, its main features, such as the script type, the types of consonants used and the style of its Persian prose will be discussed.


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