Sayyed Shahāb al-Din Aḥmad Nayshābūri’s Activities in Akbar Shash Timuri’s Period

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Associate Professor, Payame Noor University


With the establishment of the Baburid / Timurid dynasty in India and the consolidation of their rule in this land, a significant number of Iranians migrated to India, and some of them were active in the important government jobs of this dynasty. The presence of Iranian immigrants in these important occupations is influenced by factors such as the desire of some Timurid kings to use the ability of Iranian immigrants in order to stabilize the government and to repulse the opponents, as well as to organize administrative and military affairs. But the persistence of Iranians in these responsibilities and their role and function, beyond their ability and their own acts, were influenced by various factors such as the rivalry and conflict between Iranian and non-Iranian elements in the court of Baburids. This paper focuses on the ups and downs of the presence and activity of Sayyed Shahāb al-Din Aḥmad Nayshābūri in some of the important occupations of one of the powerful Baburid rulers. The findings of this research show that the presence of Shahāb al-din was influenced by issues such as Akbar Shah's interest in him and the support of some influential personalities such as the Shah's Iranian mother. Also, the presence of Shahāb al-din in important occupations and his activities were influenced by his self-interest, the apparent and unseen competition of non-Iranian elements, especially the Joghtaeis / Turanians with Iranians in occupation of Baburid rule, as well as some dissensions and internal rivalries between Iranians’ immigrants themselves.


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