Muslim’s Scientific Traditionalism in India versus Iran in the Nineteenth Century

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran

2 PhD student, Imam Khomeini International University


In the nineteenth century Iran, with the spread of modernization, ancient science texts were abandoned and Western translated texts were used for teaching. In the same period in India, Persian and Arabic texts were used by Iranian scholars as reference books and textbooks. In this paper, we want to answer the two basic questions: first, why did Indian Muslims, unlike Iran, despite the colonial presence of Britain and the spread of new science and technology in this country, still adhere to their old Persian and Arabic texts, and secondly, why did they attention more to the geometric and mathematical aspects of the texts than to the intellectual and philosophical issues. There are several different theories, such as: save the phenomena, scientific disability, management approach in science, cognitive structures.


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