The Consequences of the Emigration of Iranian Shias to Deccan (QutbShahi, AdilShahi, NizamShahi)

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Assistant Professor, University Of Tehran

2 MA in History and civilization Of Islamic Nations, University Of Tehran


The emigration of Iranian Shias to Deccan has been considerably increased in the middle of eighths century and reached to its utmost point in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Despite the power of the Safavids in the year 907AH and the declaration of Shi'ism as the official religion of Iran by Shah Isma'il I (r. 907 - 930 AH) Shiites found abundant power, a lot of scholars, politicians, poets, intellectuals, and Shiite Iranian elites immigrated to Deccan.  The present study intends to study the implications of these migrations.
Using library resources and descriptive-analytical method, this research shows that these emigrations caused expanding Shia religion and Persian language; influencing India architectures by Iranian architectures; extending political relations between Iran and Deccan; and prevalence of Iranian culture and civilization in Deccan.


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