Investigating the Reflection of Ethnic, Religious, and Political Orientations in Geographic Texts: A Case Study of Al-Kitāb Al-Masālik Wa L-Mamālik by al-Iṣṭakhrī and Kitāb Aḥsan al-Taqāsīm by al-Maqdisī

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 PhD Student, University Of Tehran, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Department of the History of Civilization of Islamic Nations

2 Prof., The Arabic Literature Department, The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia

3 Associated Prof., University Of Tehran, Faculty Of Theology and Islamic Studies, Department Of the History Of Civilization Of Islamic Nation


Historical anthropogeographical Books contain valuable information about the social, cultural, and historical aspects of human life. In these documents, Muslim geographers described the social situation, morality, customs, religious and political situation of the people in various regions of Islamic civilization. The descriptions of al-Iṣṭakhrī and al-Maqdisī, two prominent 4th-century Muslim geographers, in mentioning the geographic-historical facts, have been influenced by their ethnic, religious, and political tendencies. This article tries to investigate various cases of such tendencies in a descriptive-analytical way, in order to show that the geographic and historical evidence should always be taken into account cautiously and should never be cited without proper evaluation, refinement, and criticism.


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