An Introduction to the Subject Classification of Persian Illustrated Manuscript

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Museum Studies Dept.,Tehran University of Art


A survey on the history of Iranian painting should include the information about remaining illustrated manuscripts, which provides sufficient evidence to clarify how the history of painting evolved. This paper is based on the codicological information about the manuscripts preserved in Iran; it aims to determine the thematic frequency of the works decorated with paintings; it also tries to answer which kind of texts (prose or poetic) were the most appealing to painters and illustrators. Therefore, relying on a quantitative methodology, it was found that literature illustrated manuscripts are in the first place and are far from other subjects, and the following subjects are: artistic albums, history, travelogue, and geography. These works are decorated with various decorations such as paintings, drawings, maps, designs, and other patterns. This research could be a basis for organizing the subjects of the images in illustrated manuscripts.


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