The Traces of the Indian Medical Tradition in the Works of the 16th Century Ad. Iranian Physicians: Khulāsat al-tajārib and 'Ilājāt–i Dārā Shukūhī

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Assistant Prof.,Institute for humanities and cultural studies

2 PhD Student, Institute for humanities and cultural studies


The medical traditions of Iran and India have been interconnected for centuries in a mutual transaction. The Indian medical tradition is influenced by Ayurveda, which was the only medical tradition in India for centuries, and later interacted with other medical traditions such as Buddhism, Daoism, Tibetan, and Iranian Islamic medicine. In the 16th century AD.,  the Iranian physicians immigrated to India, so they wrote their Persian medical books under the influence of Indian medicine. The traces of Indian treatment in these works are special methods such as musical and magical treatments. Khulāsat al-tajārib and 'Ilājāt–i Dārā Shukūhī are two instances that include frequent references to the Indian medical tradition.


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