The Emergence of ‘Ashura Themes in the Silk Textiles of the Late Safavid Period

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


1 Department of Religions and Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Kashan

2 Department of Islamic Art, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Kashan


In museums and collections of Islamic art, there are silk textiles from the Safavid period that often bear inscriptions featuring the name of Imam Hussain. Despite their varying dimensions and potential diverse functions, most of these works have been classified as tomb covers without being examined collectively. This paper focuses on eighteen pieces, with ten of them dated between 1545 and 1740-41, specifically exploring examples from the eighteenth century. The research aims to address questions regarding the evolution of the content of inscriptions over time, its correlation with the Safavid period's history, as well as identifying the purpose and origin of these textiles. The investigation reveals that the production of these textiles aligned with the expansion of Muharram mourning practices, the construction of Husseiniyah buildings, and the establishment of endowments for Muharram rituals during the reign of Safavid Sultan Hussain. Until around 1710, Shiite references in the textiles were mainly expressed through ṣalawat-i kabira and a focus on Imam Ali, but afterwards, the prominence shifted to Imam Hussain's name. Through written sources, book paintings, and analysis of the textile inscriptions, it can be concluded that most of these textiles, particularly mourning banners (ʿalam), were likely created by artists from Kashan.


Main Subjects

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