Ma‘nīds’s relations with Al-Shām’s Shīīts:Analyzing the policies of Fakhr al-Dīn II's in confronting the Shīīts clans in Jabal ‘āmel, Jabal Lebanon, Ba‘lbek and Beghā‘

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Assistant Professor


During the Ottoman period, the policies and actions of local governments appointed by them escalated against local Shīīts communities in Al-Shām. Ma‘nīds was one of these local governments who,under the support of the Ottomans, undertook extensive anti-Shī‘a policies and strategies. Fakhral-DīnII became famous more than all the emirs of Ma‘nīds due to her continuous raids on Shīīts areas in Jabal ‘āmel, Jabal Lebanon, Ba‘lbek and Beghā‘.This article after examining the causes and consequences of Fakhral-Dīn II’s attacks on these mentioned Shīīts areas and the role of the Ottomans in it,reached the conclusion that with the aim of achieving autonomy in Lebanon,he inevitably thought of overthrowing the Ottoman government, and therefore, to achieve his goal, he adopted a two-sided policy in facing the Shiites.On the one hand, he secured the satisfaction of the Ottomans by dividing the Shīīts clans, moving Maronites to Shī‘a settlements,killing Shīīts elders,establishing military barracks and settling Sunnī clans in the mentioned areas in order to monitor the Shīīts movements.On the other hand, he tried to free Lebanon from the Ottomans by taking over the emirates of Safad, Beirut, Sidon, and Kaserwan and making alliances with European countries and increasing his power.In the end, despite the widespread repression of Shīīts by Fakhral-Dīn with the complicity of the Pashas of Sham, after the disclosure of his secret commercial-military agreement with Italy and Tuscany against the Ottomans, not only did he not achieve his goals, but the Shīīts clans took advantage of her overthrow to regain their lost power


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 25 May 2024
  • Receive Date: 01 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 10 March 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 April 2024