Mirza Moheb’Ali Khan’s Critical Treaties

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Assistant Professor, Farhangian University


The Ottoman emirate in Anatolia, from the beginning of its formation to becoming a powerful government, and then a great empire, experienced many wars. The war for the conquest and expansion of the territory was the ultimate goal of the Ottomans. The Ottomans in the eastern borders repeatedly attacked Iran's territory. The occurrence of numerous wars and the conclusion of various treaties is one of the hallmarks of the relationship between Iran and Ottoman for several hundred years. The territorial expansion of the eastern borders was a constant policy of the Ottoman Empire. With the conclusion of the second Erzerum treaty, long and numerous wars ended and, it was decided to be solved the disagreements especially on contested territories through negotiation and delimitation commissions. Therefore, a new chapter in the relationship between the two governments began. A chapter that has yet not been studied. The present paper seeks to show that Ottoman boundary commissioners such as Dervish Pasha and Khorshid Pasha how tried to pursue the Ottoman territorial expansion in a different forms. Mirza Moheb’Ali Khan by writing critical treaties clarified the nature of the objectives of the Ottoman representatives and criticized and refuted their territorial claims. The present research, using historical method and descriptive-analytical approach, relying on first-hand sources and documents answers these questions: What was the basis of the territorial claims of the Ottoman representatives? How reasonable was the criticism and refutation of their claims by representative of Iran?


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