An Egyptian Prince as a Critic of Ottoman Political Structure: Mustafa Fazıl Paşa and His ‘‘Paris’ten Bir Mektup’’

Document Type : Research/Original/Reqular Article


Assistant Professor, Lorestan University


Under Sultan Mahmud II who ushered in the Tanzimât, favorite conditions were prepared for a new generation of Ottoman intellectuals- Young Ottomans- who formulated critical ideas against the Ottoman despotic rule. One important figure of Young Ottomans was Mustafa Fazıl Paşa, an Egyptian prince, whose supports were very helpful for developing of this reformist movement. This paper touched at an important aspect of Fazıl Paşa’s political career, namely his famous Maktub, and aims to use this important document in order to shed lights on this critical situation of Ottoman Empire, as well as the authors’ reformist ideas. The paper is organized into three parts; in the first one the critical aspects of the Letter is surveyed; the second one deals with the positive aspects of its and in the final part, an analytical appraisal of its content is made.


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